Friday, March 13, 2009

Pregnacy- Life as I know it is over!

So I found out that I am my 10th week to be exact and I'm SO HAPPY! THIS is a complete and TOTAL doctor isn't even sure how it happened! Obviously she know the mechanics, but seriously! Praise God! My little miracle baby is doing well she tells me and I'm so happy! Right now I'm sick as a dog...with a cold that I can't do anything for....ha! That's ok. I'm not complaining...I would go through just about anything to make sure that this baby is ok! I actually called into work the other day which is unheard of for me...then I dragged myself in yesterday and ended up leaving after 3 hours I was still so disgustingly here I am at home (on my day OFF thankfully...) and stiiiiilll recuping....I think I'm on the upswing though.
Hey, did I mention I'm SO EXCITED! A baby! My lifelong dream of having my own little bundle of joy coming to fruition! I'm of course addicted to TLC's A Baby Story now....and naturally getting freaked out about labor and delivery...ha...I saw one with a water birth yesterday and let me TELL you it is NOT for me....nooooo waaayyyy.....yuck. Her husband was in the tub too...they didn't show any blood, but I can't imagine that there wasn't ANY...ewww...

There is so much I want to be doing! (But I'm just SO tired all the time right now...they tell me this will be going away soon...I can only keep hoping!) Cleaning everything...painting everything....getting all the crap out of the nursery so we can plan the nursery...knitting little baby things...oh I can't wait until we know what it is! Another 8 weeks or so and we'll be able to find out. I think it's a boy...but a friend of mine says "It's a that Piper can have a friend." Paraphrased of course. We'll see. I don't care either way as long as it is healthy and happy.

I am going to knit a girl blanket...well...technically isn't yellow a "neutral" color? But I have a blue blanket already and I have about a million yards of this lovely lemonade color yarn that is begging to be made into a boy or girl...they're getting yellow! = )