Saturday, April 18, 2009

Volitility....The New Frontier

So pregnancy is going well....we find out in 3 weeks what we're having and MOST importantly if all the organs are in place and properly forming! Yay!

Two not so fun symptoms have been cropping up though...leg cramps ( I THOUGHT this didn't happen until the END!!!!) and mood swings. Those of you who know me know that I am not a moody person...then this last week- WHOA look out! Good grief! So the littlest things that would normally just bother me for a little bit are getting TOTALLY out of proportion and I behave...irrationally. It mainly is happening at work. Not so good. Ian is great though...he says that he thinks me being "volitile" is fun. Ha!

On a completely different note, I have been thinking about a particular friend of mine lately...well..ex friend I guess. We had a falling out, mostly due to her...and I have learned her tricks...but strangely enough I miss her....not all the time, but I do. And she apparently misses me too, but won't talk to me or try to fix things...not that we could really BE friends again anyways, but I randomly was going to check my facebook and myspace to see what she was up to (apparently in a weak moment) and she has deleted me. Well, that's fine. But It still sortof hurts. I know that it has been my thought lately that I can't have such a toxic friendship, but still...the fact that she was too chicken to talk to ME about things (she talked to everyone ELSE) just...hurts. I don't even know if things would change at all, but maybe. >sigh<

On a happier note! We finally mulched (I say "we" and really mean "I") our gardens and it looks just splendid now...oh spring! stick around!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pregnacy- Life as I know it is over!

So I found out that I am my 10th week to be exact and I'm SO HAPPY! THIS is a complete and TOTAL doctor isn't even sure how it happened! Obviously she know the mechanics, but seriously! Praise God! My little miracle baby is doing well she tells me and I'm so happy! Right now I'm sick as a dog...with a cold that I can't do anything for....ha! That's ok. I'm not complaining...I would go through just about anything to make sure that this baby is ok! I actually called into work the other day which is unheard of for me...then I dragged myself in yesterday and ended up leaving after 3 hours I was still so disgustingly here I am at home (on my day OFF thankfully...) and stiiiiilll recuping....I think I'm on the upswing though.
Hey, did I mention I'm SO EXCITED! A baby! My lifelong dream of having my own little bundle of joy coming to fruition! I'm of course addicted to TLC's A Baby Story now....and naturally getting freaked out about labor and delivery...ha...I saw one with a water birth yesterday and let me TELL you it is NOT for me....nooooo waaayyyy.....yuck. Her husband was in the tub too...they didn't show any blood, but I can't imagine that there wasn't ANY...ewww...

There is so much I want to be doing! (But I'm just SO tired all the time right now...they tell me this will be going away soon...I can only keep hoping!) Cleaning everything...painting everything....getting all the crap out of the nursery so we can plan the nursery...knitting little baby things...oh I can't wait until we know what it is! Another 8 weeks or so and we'll be able to find out. I think it's a boy...but a friend of mine says "It's a that Piper can have a friend." Paraphrased of course. We'll see. I don't care either way as long as it is healthy and happy.

I am going to knit a girl blanket...well...technically isn't yellow a "neutral" color? But I have a blue blanket already and I have about a million yards of this lovely lemonade color yarn that is begging to be made into a boy or girl...they're getting yellow! = )

Saturday, February 7, 2009

it's been a while...

So after much searching, I have finally found the hat that Kirsten Dunst (love her or hate her) wears in Elizabethtown...let me just tell you that I was so taken by this hat she wears in the previews that I watched the movie. The movie was so-so, but that hat looks just as wonderful! Can't wait to pick yarn and make it!

My friends daughter fell asleep in my arms last night and let me tell you it was so sweet....I need to have a baby. I just do. I realize it's not all dressing them up and snuggling them- but it is wanting to scream and cry and give them back, but it's all worth it, isn't it? Someday. In the meantime I am making things for other peoples children and it seems to be good medicine...sometimes.

Ian's medication decided to stop could have been because he was getting sick when he was getting the infusion, but in any case, he has to try something else. Is the insurance company being helpful? Naturally. Yes I'm rolling my eyes right now. But that's all ok, univerals health care here we come! Because THAT's better. Please. Give me some yarn and I'll keep my hands busy so I don't strangle anyone!