Saturday, July 26, 2008

Relax...Just Do It....

Here's something that I think is very interesting- or if not interesting, at least....thought provoking. When did someone decide that pulling someone on a donut shaped tube really fast behind a boat was entertaining? Just seems like an odd form of entertainment to me. = ) I'll try it tomorrow.
I am more relaxed today than I have been in probably 2 months and it is all thanks to Maine- The Way Life Should Be. Yes. It is.
But on to the knitting parts, seeing as this IS a knitting blog of sorts- I started making my first garment. A little shrug that has a lace pattern on most of it. I enjoy knitting lace, but I find the pattern a bit lacking. I don't think the person who posted it could really remember exactly what she did, so I find myself in the beginning stages of Clover Lace Confusion. We'll see how it turns out. I am fully confident in my ability to do the lace, but she was very unclear about the I increase on my own? Or does the written pattern include the increases? It's just a dirty rotten shame I like the finished product so much....we'll see how it goes. I did learn a new decrease though that I like very much. SSK. BUT, isn't it pretty much just the same as K2Tog? yeah. Well....ONWARD!

Friday, July 4, 2008

A Very Long Long Long Long week

I currently have about four thousand projects that I should be working on. Seeing as I am spending a lot of time on the couch with the hubby. But being exhausted all the time just isn't conducive to knitting. Emotionally. My husband is sick still. If there is anyone who knows how to deal productively with Ulcerative Colitis let me know. Onward to the next Christmas gift!